Rub Me Down, Massage oil
Massages are much more than laying down and relaxing.
They are very much a vital part to the well being of our mind, body and soul.
Getting or giving a massage to yourself, is one of the best investments you can give to YOU.
Carefully curated in small batches, and Made with only natural herbs and cold pressed oils- Rub Me Down Massage oil will nourish your skin, relax your soul and uplift your spirit.
Scented with Lemon and chamomile essential oils.
Infused with dried Gotu Kola herb and dried Marigold flower. Both herbs, pact full of health benefits to help reduce stress/ anxiety, improve circulation, reduce swelling, ease insomnia and work as anti-inflammatories to promote healing.
Cold pressed Sunflower, Maracujan (Passionfruit), Vitamin E and Grapeseed oils work together to repair, restore, hydrate, brighten, soften and provide energy back into your skin and muscles.
Massages are much more than laying down and relaxing.
They are very much a vital part to the well being of our mind, body and soul.
Getting or giving a massage to yourself, is one of the best investments you can give to YOU.
Carefully curated in small batches, and Made with only natural herbs and cold pressed oils- Rub Me Down Massage oil will nourish your skin, relax your soul and uplift your spirit.
Scented with Lemon and chamomile essential oils.
Infused with dried Gotu Kola herb and dried Marigold flower. Both herbs, pact full of health benefits to help reduce stress/ anxiety, improve circulation, reduce swelling, ease insomnia and work as anti-inflammatories to promote healing.
Cold pressed Sunflower, Maracujan (Passionfruit), Vitamin E and Grapeseed oils work together to repair, restore, hydrate, brighten, soften and provide energy back into your skin and muscles.
Massages are much more than laying down and relaxing.
They are very much a vital part to the well being of our mind, body and soul.
Getting or giving a massage to yourself, is one of the best investments you can give to YOU.
Carefully curated in small batches, and Made with only natural herbs and cold pressed oils- Rub Me Down Massage oil will nourish your skin, relax your soul and uplift your spirit.
Scented with Lemon and chamomile essential oils.
Infused with dried Gotu Kola herb and dried Marigold flower. Both herbs, pact full of health benefits to help reduce stress/ anxiety, improve circulation, reduce swelling, ease insomnia and work as anti-inflammatories to promote healing.
Cold pressed Sunflower, Maracujan (Passionfruit), Vitamin E and Grapeseed oils work together to repair, restore, hydrate, brighten, soften and provide energy back into your skin and muscles.